HolyCoast: al-Sadr Has Left the Building
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

al-Sadr Has Left the Building

The timing of this is outstanding. As the House of Representatives is in the middle of three days of mental masturbation debating a non-binding resolution that in the end accomplishes nothing except the demoralization of our troops and the encouragement of our enemies, one of the primary troublemakers in Iraq has fled for his life. Thank you surge:
WASHINGTON — Anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has fled his Baghdad stronghold for the friendly confines of Iran's capital, FOX News can confirm via a senior United States official.

Al-Sadr left Iraq within the past few weeks out of fear for his safety and security and is with family in Tehran, where he has visited before, the official said.

His move comes as coalition forces crack down on the insurgency in Baghdad and ahead of the arrival of 21,500 U.S. troops sent by President George W. Bush to quell sectarian violence.
Iraq is also closing its borders with Iran and Syria (why can't we do that here with Mexico?). Things are progressing the right direction in Iraq, despite the best efforts of the Democrats. Captain Ed agrees:
Nancy Pelosi will be holding a debate to disapprove of a strategy that has already demonstrated success.

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