HolyCoast: Charles Krauthammer Explains It All
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Friday, February 09, 2007

Charles Krauthammer Explains It All

On the way home this afternoon I was listening to Hugh Hewitt's show, and during the first segment Friday he usually has Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke (the Beltway Boys). Fred was gone and one of my favorite columnists, Charles Krauthammer, was filling in. Mort made a joke about whether they were going to be talking about Anna Nicole Smith, and then Hugh asked a question of Krauthammer (I paraphrase this since I don't have the transcript):

Hewitt: "Charles, you're the psychiatrist - to what do you attribute this craziness in the reporting of the death of Anna Nicole Smith?"

Krauthammer: (without missing a beat) "I think it's her breasts."

I nearly wrecked my car because I was laughing so hard, but I think he's right.

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