HolyCoast: Disney Wins Battle Over Affordable Housing Project
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Disney Wins Battle Over Affordable Housing Project

In a follow-up to yesterday's post, Disney won the battle over the affordable housing project that was to be built near the resort area:
After three hours of rancorous debate Tuesday, the Anaheim City Council split on a vote to approve a controversial housing proposal near Disneyland. As a result, City Atty. Jack White said, a previous Planning Commission ruling against the plan will stand.

The unusual 2-2 tie vote resulted from Councilwoman Lucille Kring leaving the meeting before the proposal was discussed. Kring said she had a conflict of interest because she holds a lease in the GardenWalk retail project near the site.

Mayor Curt Pringle and Councilman Harry Sidhu voted against the proposal, with council members Lorri Galloway and Bob Hernandez supporting it.

Disney officials, who have opposed the proposal from the outset, expressed relief.

"Right now our position was the winning one," Disney spokesman Rob Doughty said. The resort "vision" for the area is protected, he said, protecting a large proportion of general fund revenue for the city.

More than two dozen business leaders and community activists spoke out against the housing proposal, including representatives of Disney and hotels in the resort district.

No surprise here. I figured Disney would be able to win this one.

UPDATE: Disney loses 2nd vote in city council - housing plan to go forward.

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