HolyCoast: Global Warming Means Lower Heating Bills
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Global Warming Means Lower Heating Bills

It looks like the "large squirrel" was right:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Temperatures will be above normal in most parts of the United States through March, spelling a mild end to the winter heating season, private forecaster WSI Corp. said on Monday.

After deep cold in late January and into February that spiked demand for heating oil and natural gas, March temperatures will average above normal in all regions of the country except part of the South, WSI said.

"The warmer March outlook should help to keep gas inventories at or above the five-year average," WSI said in a press release.

April will average warmer than normal in the Northeast and the Northwest, but cooler than normal in the middle of the country, WSI said in the release.

Winter weather can have significant impact on world oil prices by altering demand for heating fuels. A recent spell of frigid temperatures in the United States that began in late January pushed crude prices back near $60 a barrel.

Did you notice that the words "global warming" don't appear anywhere in this article? While the media is quick to blame global warming for every ill effect created by warmer temperatures, they don't seem as quick to credit global warming for the positive effects, such as less burning of natural gas and lower heating bills. This is a major reason why I feel that the entire global warming argument is purely political. You never hear a balanced view of both the negatives AND the positives of warmer temperatures. It's just doom-and-gloom from the global warming crowd.

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