HolyCoast: GOP Had Better Run Away From the Warner-Levin Resolution
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Thursday, February 01, 2007

GOP Had Better Run Away From the Warner-Levin Resolution

Some GOP Senators are desperate to be thought of as bipartisan; others desperate to get some good press, but before they sign onto the Warner-Levin anti-Iraq war resolution, they better take a listen to what Howard Dean had to say about it during an interview with Wolf Blitzer (h/t Hugh):
"The resolution is not watered down," Dean asserted. "They changed a few words: I think this is a very smart move on the part of Harry Reid. If we can get significant numbers of Republicans to repudiate the Republican president's policy, which is about to --about what's about to happen, then I think that's very, very positive."

Any GOP Senator that signs onto this is toast in his next election campaign.

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