HolyCoast: Jesus Loves the Little Terrorists
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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Jesus Loves the Little Terrorists

From the land down under, some Baptist churches have erected signs that are drawing the ire of many people, including the Prime Minister:
The Australian prime minister has criticised a Sydney baptist church for erecting a sign declaring that "Jesus Loves Osama".

The slogan, a reference to Osama bin Laden, the al-Qa'eda leader, has provoked a storm of controversy across the country despite its apparently Christian message of forgiveness.

Small print at the bottom of the sign urges churchgoers to "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you", a quotation from Matthew 5:44.

But John Howard, the prime minister, said that the church should have chosen a less offensive way of spreading its message.

"I understand the Christian motivation of the Baptist church," he said.

"But I hope they will understand that a lot of Australians, including many Australian Christians, will think that the prayer priority of the church on this occasion could have been elsewhere."

It may not be popular with Mr. Howard, but it is Biblically correct. Loving our enemies is not always fun, but is required.

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