HolyCoast: Marion Barry Wants to Relax DC Gun Ban
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Marion Barry Wants to Relax DC Gun Ban

Washington DC is one of if not the most restrictive gun environment in the country. Former mayor and current council member Marion Barry wants to relax the strict anti-gun regulations:

D.C. Council member Marion Barry yesterday introduced legislation that would suspend the District's 30-year ban on handguns, providing gun owners a 90-day period to register weapons they would then be allowed to legally own.

"We are in the midst of a gun-violence epidemic," said Mr. Barry, Ward 8 Democrat. "We need to see gun violence as an emergency in the District of Columbia."

Mr. Barry's bill, which only applies to pistols, would allow D.C. residents with no criminal record to register guns for 90 days from the law's enactment. After the 90-day period, current gun restrictions would be reinstated.

Why would Barry suddenly be in favor of this change? My guess is his crack dealer is after him and he needs to stash a few weapons at home but can't afford another strike on his criminal record.

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