HolyCoast: Non-Binding Nonsense
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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Non-Binding Nonsense

After yesterday's irrelevant non-binding resolution vote in the House, Harry Reid will try to force another irrelevant non-binding vote in the Senate. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to hold the GOP together enough to block Reid's follies.

Meanwhile, Scott Ott has breaking news of a non-binding ceasefire:
(2007-02-17) — A coalition of major terror groups operating in Iraq today announced a symbolic, non-binding ceasefire in response to House Democrats’ passage of a non-binding resolution rejecting President George Bush’s troop surge plan.

Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Shiite Mahdi army and representatives of a Sunni car-bomb cartel said they would continue to fully fund martyrdom operations, with help from their friends in Iran, Syria and elsewhere.

An unnamed spokesman for the terror coalition said, “The non-binding ceasefire serves as a kind of imaginary turning point in the mythical pursuit of peace among those who have pledged their lives to the destruction of the U.S., Christianity, Judaism and Western civilization in general.”

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, said the terrorists’ symbolic initiative “confirms that Democrats are on the right track with their strategy to end the war in Iraq through non-binding means.”
When I pay my taxes this year, I think I'll send them a non-binding check and see how that works out.

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