HolyCoast: Rudy's Starting Strong
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rudy's Starting Strong

Some early, early polls show that Rudy Giuliani is starting strong (from Political Wire):

In a very strong showing, Rudy Giuliani (R) leads Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), 48% to 43%, among American voters in a 2008 national Quinnipiac poll.

Key findings: "Giuliani tops Clinton 55% to 38% in Red states, which voted Republican in the 2004 presidential election, and ties her 46% to 46% in Blue states, which went Democratic in 2004. He gets 44% to Clinton's 45% in Purple states, where the margin in 2004 was less than 7%."

Said pollster Maurice Carroll: "When we look at the Red, Blue and Purple state matchups, we see Giuliani running strong in any color, while Sen. Clinton outpoints Sen. McCain in Blue and Purple states. Sen. Obama and John Edwards are in the middle somewhere and Mitt Romney is nowhere, actually losing to Obama and Edwards in Red states, where voters probably just don't know the former Massachusetts governor."

In other possible presidential matchups:
Sen. John McCain edges Clinton 46% to 44%.
Clinton tops Mitt Romney 49% to 37%
Giuliani beats Sen. Barack Obama 47% to 40%
Giuliani tops John Edwards 48% to 40%
McCain ties Obama at 43%
McCain ties Edwards at 43%
Obama tops Romney 49% to 29%
Edwards beats Romney 48% to 32%.

It way too early to mean very much, but I'm sure Rudy would rather be in his position that where Romney is.

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