HolyCoast: Senate to Continue Its Assault on Our Mission in Iraq
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Friday, February 23, 2007

Senate to Continue Its Assault on Our Mission in Iraq

Continuing down a foolish path, the Senate Dems are proceeding to the next step in their effort to hamstring our military's ability to win the war in Iraq:
WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats are drafting legislation to scale back the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq in an effort that would reduce the broad war-making powers Congress granted to President Bush in 2002, officials said Thursday.

While these officials said the precise wording of the measure remains unsettled, one draft would restrict American troops in Iraq to combating Al Qaeda, training Iraqi army and police forces, maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity and otherwise proceeding with the withdrawal of combat forces.

The officials, Democratic aides and others familiar with private discussions, spoke only on condition of anonymity because rank-and-file senators had not yet been briefed on the effort. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is expected to present the proposal to fellow Democrats early next week for their consideration, according to officials.

The plan is to attempt to add the measure to anti-terrorism legislation that is scheduled to be on the Senate floor next week and the week after.

Jim Manley, a spokesman for Reid, would not discuss the deliberations Thursday and said, "No final decisions have been made on how to proceed."

Any attempt to limit Bush's powers as commander in chief would likely face strong opposition from Republican allies of the administration in the Senate and could also face a veto threat.
They might as well call it another non-binding resolution, because it has no chance to become law.

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