HolyCoast: Versace Wants Hillary to Drop Her Trousers
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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Versace Wants Hillary to Drop Her Trousers

I'll pause for a moment while you finish shuddering at that image..........

A fashion maven has some advice for Hillary:
U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should tap into her feminine side and wear dresses and skirts instead of trousers, fashion designer Donatella Versace was quoted as saying on Thursday.

"I can understand (trousers) are comfortable but she's a woman and she is allowed to show that," Versace told Germany's weekly newspaper Die Zeit in an interview.

"She should treat femininity as an opportunity and not try to emulate masculinity in politics," Versace said.

Skirts should reach to the knee and be worn with a short jacket or coat, she said. The best colour would be black rather than the blue Clinton currently favours, she added.
I don't think asking Hillary to show a little leg is going to help her much with the voters. If anything, it might have the opposite effect.

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