HolyCoast: Who Would America Vote For
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who Would America Vote For

The Gallup Poll put out a list of specific attributes (but without specific names) to see what the attitudes of Americans are toward electing people with those attributes. The results are interesting:
Would you vote for a person with this attribute?

Catholic - Yes 95% / No 4%
Black - Yes 94% / No 5%
Jewish - Yes 92% / No 7%
A Woman - Yes 88% / No 11%
Hispanic - Yes 87% / No 12%
Mormon - Yes 72% / No 24%
3X Married - Yes 67% / No 30%
72 Years Old - Yes 57% / No 42%
Homosexual - Yes 55% / No 43%
Atheist - Yes 45% / No 53%
Of course, when you put names to some of these attributes you'll probably get some different results, but at least John McCain can be comforted that even in a generic ballot he beats the gays and atheists.

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