HolyCoast: Abortion Greeting Cards
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Abortion Greeting Cards

Do you know someone who recently had an abortion? Have you wondered where you might go to send an appropriate greeting? Here's your answer (from Best of the Web):
"Do you know someone who's had an abortion?" asks the Web site 4exhale.org. "Are you having trouble knowing what to say? Do you want to let them [sic] know you care? Send them an e-card."

The site offers six different cards. Some of them are fairly anodyne, like "Thinking of You": "I want you to know that I care--about you, and how you are feeling. My thoughts are with you." "Encouragement" even says, "I think you did the right thing."

But then there's "Sympathy": "There are no words to express my sympathy for your loss. As you grieve, remember that you are loved. I am thinking of you." And "Spirituality": "Healing is possible. May you find peace after your abortion."

Loss? Grieve? Healing? "May you find peace"? Doesn't this sound like the work of antichoice fanatics trying to make women feel guilty merely for exercising their constitutional right to choose?
Rush had a good idea. Why not combine the "right to choose" with global warming concerns by giving each mother of an aborted child a certificate representing carbon credits for all the carbon dioxide the aborted baby won't emit. They can then sell them to Al Gore and various Hollywood types to pay for the CO2 emitted by their private jets.

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