HolyCoast: Anti-Hillary "1984" Ad Creator Linked to Obama
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Anti-Hillary "1984" Ad Creator Linked to Obama

The anti-Hillary "1984" ad which is getting big play on YouTube was created by someone with a connection to the Barack Obama campaign:
The mystery creator of the Orwellian YouTube ad against Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Democratic operative who worked for a digital consulting firm with ties to rival Sen. Barack Obama.

Philip de Vellis, a strategist with Blue State Digital, acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that he was the creator of the video, which portrayed Clinton as a Big Brother figure and urged support for Obama's presidential campaign.

De Vellis said he resigned from the firm on Wednesday after he learned that he was about to be unmasked by the HuffingtonPost.com., a liberal news and opinion Internet site.
The Obama campaign disavowed any knowledge of the ad's creator, and that's probably true, but they'll certainly benefit from the airplay the thing's getting.

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