HolyCoast: Compact Florescent Bulbs Pose New Dangers
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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Compact Florescent Bulbs Pose New Dangers

The energy police want us all to convert to compact florescent lightbulbs...or else. Some communities are already talking about banning the sales of incandescent bulbs, but it's clear that they haven't really thought this thing out (from Special Report):
Just when you thought you were helping the environment by buying those new compact fluorescent light bulbs that last a long time and use less energy — scientists and environmentalists are warning that the bulbs may cause trouble when you throw them away.

They say that if the bulbs break, the poisonous mercury inside can leak into landfills — contaminating the food chain and water supply much more than the mercury released from coal-fired power plants. Recycling the bulbs is expensive — costing up to fifty cents for bulbs that sell for around two dollars.

I'll tell you right now, if I'm forced to buy and use compact florescents, I'll be darned if I'm going to take special caution in disposing of them. They're going in the regular trash just like everything else and somebody else can clean up the resulting mess.

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