HolyCoast: Dem Chaos In The House
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dem Chaos In The House

Politico's Crypt's Blog has this piece of news regarding the current situation for House Dems:
GOP Forces House Democrats To Pull DC Voting Bill

House Democrats pulled a bill to grant voting rights to Washington, D.C., after Republicans offered a motion that would repeal the gun ban for the District.

The move is a clear signal that Democrats have lost control of House floor after minority Republicans presented the Democratic majority with a politically unpalatable motion that their conservative members would be forced to support for fear of angering the gun rights community.

Fifty-two Democrats voted with Republicans on a similar measure to repeal the gun ban in 2004. That would be more than enough support for Republcians to add a repeal to the voting rights bill - something a majority of Democrats would vehemently oppose.

Republicans have taken great pride in offering motions to recommit during their time in the minority, an often over-looked legislative procedure that has allowed them to amend various bills on the House floor.

Democratic Rep. Ellen Tauscher of California, who presided in the chair when the House began consideration of the motion, called the postponement at the request of her leadership, saying the speaker has complete discretion to postpone consideration of any legislation at any time.

Democrats scrambled to remedy the situation on the floor but were eventually forced to pull the bill to begin debate on a controversial wartime funding measure that is expected on the floor Friday. Republicans could offer a similar procedural motion to slow consideration of that measure whenever it comes to the floor.

The House was expected to approve the bill to grant Washington, DC, with a vote in the House by a wide margin, with several Republicans expected to vote in favor of the overarching legislation.

Who says you can't be in the minority and still have fun. The media today has been chattering about the kerfuffle between Rush Limbaugh and the Governator and have been gleefully opining the end of the GOP because of the different factions. If they want to cover a real war, all they need do is take a look at the House Dems. Disarray is too generous a term for them. They've got complete chaos.

And then there's this from The Hill:

Anti-war group CODEPINK is planning to take over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office at 4:00 pm, the group said.

Protesters plan to play “Pin the war on the Donkey” to show their frustration with the Democratic leadership’s inaction of ending the war in Iraq.

CODEPINK is expecting arrests.

And I'm expecting a lot of laughs. The Dems must already be regretting that they partnered with those loons in the last election.

UPDATE - Sobbing loons:
Code Pink members were crying outside Pelosi’s office. When asked why, Rae Abileah, 24, said she was crying out of “outrage that this is all we can get from the Democrats,” referring to the Iraq supplemental funding bill, scheduled for a vote Friday.

“We’re just heartbroken that Nancy Pelosi has decided to keep funding George Bush’s war, and now the war belongs to the Democrats as well as the Republicans,” said Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin. “We thought we were going to get a change when they came into power.”

Be careful what you wish for....

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