HolyCoast: Elections Matter
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Elections Matter

Patrick Ruffini, writing at HughHewitt.com, reminds us why the U.S. Attorney firing issue is more meaningful today than it would have been any time in the last six years:
This is What Happens...
...when we lose elections.

If this were 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, or even 2006, the cries for the departure of Alberto Gonzales would have been just as loud. And they would have been roundly ignored by Republicans on the Hill.

No political battle has ever been won from a defensive crouch. But that is the position some Republicans have insisted on assuming with a vengeance in the last three months, caving on the nonbinding resolution and now on the dismissal of 8 political appointees in the Justice Department.

In a perfect world, this would not be an issue. No matter what the political season, Republicans wouldn't take the bait on a yawner like this one. But we don't live in such a world. The last election seems to have pushed some Republicans to jump on one of the more specious controversies raised in these last six years.

Elections matter.
Very true.

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