HolyCoast: The Goreacle Hits the Hill Today
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Monday, March 19, 2007

The Goreacle Hits the Hill Today

The Rev. Al Gore, global warming high priest, will testify before two congressional committees on Monday. Although he'll get a messianic welcome from Sen. Barbara Boxer, the same may not be true of John Dingell's committee in the House (from Drudge):
Temperatures are predicted to reach a high of only 43-degrees on Wednesday in Washington, but look for high-heat to come out of Al Gore's scheduled appearances on The Hill!

Gore is set to solo before Rep. John Dingell's [D-MI] all powerful Energy and Commerce Committee in the morning and Sen. Barbara Boxer's [D-CA] Environment and Public Works Committee in the afternoon.

Both are expected to have overflow seating, and protesters, both for and against Gore.

Gore will get a 30 minute opening and then Boxer and her republican counterpart, Sen. Inhofe, each get 15 minutes each of questioning in addition to their opening statements. Other senators will only get 5 min of Q & A.

"Democrat Dingell is a big global warming skeptic, so do not expect him to go too lightly on Gore," predicts a congressional source.

I'm guessing Boxer will spread palm fronds in his path as he enters the hearing room, but let's see if anybody in the House asks some tough questions.

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