HolyCoast: The Gutless Goreacle
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Gutless Goreacle

First Al Gore refused to release his planned Senate testimony 48 hours ahead of time as required by Senate rules, then balked at the 24 hour limit given him by the Dem chairman, and finally released it sometime in the middle of the night when time would be limited to draft a response. Then, he purposely showed up late at the House hearing so he wouldn't have to be subjected to the opening statements from the Republicans critical of his global warming hysteria.

Gore clearly pictures himself as some type of mythical hero who is simply above criticism. Rep. Ed Markey even called him a "prophet" at today's hearing, which certainly fits into the whole "global warming is a religion" concept.

I don't think Gore's teary testimony converted many unsaved global warming skeptic souls today.

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