HolyCoast: Hagel Keeps the World in Suspense
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Monday, March 12, 2007

Hagel Keeps the World in Suspense

Chuck Hagel was supposed to announce his soon-to-be-failed presidential campaign today, but must have looked at the polls (from Political Wire):
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) announced he was open to a presidential bid in 2008 but would wait until later this year to decide.

Omaha World Herald: "Hagel will begin raising money for a Senate campaign, he announced today at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. But he hasn't shut the door on a 2008 presidential run. He will make a decision on his political future later this year. Hagel's current Senate term is up after 2008. Saying he is at a crossroads in his political career, Hagel said he wants to devote his full attention to Senate issues over the next several months."
My guess is Hagel took a hard look at the current GOP landscape and realized he didn't have a chance. He may be hoping for a complete meltdown by the Big 3 GOP candidates at which time he may believe he could ride to the rescue. However, with Fred Thompson indicating that he might be waiting in the wings as well, Hagel would not be the GOP's go-to guy.

The Democrats weren't impressed either:
"I think it is extremely disappointing that Senator Hagel would bring the entire state of Nebraska to a screeching halt by holding an elaborate ceremony to announce absolutely nothing."

-- A spokesman for the Nebraska Democratic party, quoted by The Hotline.

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