HolyCoast: In Praise of CBS
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

In Praise of CBS

No, I never watch the Perky Katie Couric on the Evening News, haven't seen 60 Minutes or 48 hours in years, and the only prime time CBS show I regularly TiVO is The New Adventures of Old Christine (a very funny show). So why would I be praising CBS? Because of CBS News Sunday Morning.

A few weeks ago I added this show, hosted by Charles Osgood, to my regular TiVO roster and it's become a favorite of the Mrs. and I. The show is 90 minutes of fascinating human interest stories, bios, some humor and commentary, and is completely devoid of political agendas (as far as I've been able to tell). Granted, they did a piece on lefty Keith Olberman last week, but they actually made him somewhat interesting.

Bottom line - it's what TV should be and it's well worth watching.

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