HolyCoast: Louisiana Will Get a New Governor
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Louisiana Will Get a New Governor

Gov. Kathleen Blanco, who was totally overwhelmed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, will not seek re-election:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Embattled Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco will announce she is not seeking a second term, in a live statement to be delivered Tuesday night, a Louisiana Democratic source tells CNN.

Blanco's office announced that she will deliver a live address at 7 p.m. ET, but would not comment any further.

Blanco has come under fire for her handling of Hurricane Katrina and she was trailing her likely Republican opponent, Rep. Bobby Jindal, R-Louisiana, by 24 points in a Southern Media & Opinion Research Poll conducted in January.

After Ray "Schoolbus" Nagin was re-elected as mayor of New Orleans, it appeared that incompetence would not be a barrier to elected office in Louisiana. However, Gov. Blanco was so thoroughly overwhelmed by the disaster, she was pretty much toast from that point on.

Rep. Jindal is a very sharp guy, and hopefully he'll get the opportunity to show what he can do in the governor's office.

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