HolyCoast: Protesters Pestering Democrats
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Protesters Pestering Democrats

It used to be the GOP was the only party that had to be bothered with protesters, but now that the Dems are in charge on Capitol Hill, their lefty base is "taking it to the streets" and right into their offices:
Peace activists armed with poetry occupied the Capitol Hill office of Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Tuesday to protest Democrats’ support for a bill funding the Iraq war. They camped out in his office for nearly eight hours, reading verse and reciting the names and biographies of soldiers killed in Iraq, punctuating each by banging on a gong they had brought with them.

The protesters also taped pictures of soldiers onto the walls of Van Hollen’s office. They were finally led out of the office at 11:35 p.m. by Capitol Police, said Kevin Zeese, the director of Democracy Rising and one of the organizers of the protest.
Zeese and his fellow activists live in Van Hollen’s Southern Maryland district and are angry with him because they say his anti-war rhetoric does not match his support for legislation funding the U.S. military mission in Iraq.

“We want his actions to line up behind his words,” said Stuart Morris, an activist from Mt. Rainier, Md., who added that Van Hollen’s staff tried to ignore the protesters but made no attempt to evict them during the height of the protest.

The activists said 16 to 20 protesters occupied Van Hollen’s office. The group included Tina Richards, whose son is a Marine reservist required to report for duty on March 24. Richards said she would attempt to occupy more congressional offices on Wednesday.

It isn't just on Capitol Hill, either. Hillary Clinton is regularly finding hecklers at her events, including this one who was forcibly removed. When the Dems won in November their lefty anti-war base decided to take all the credit for it, and now their expecting payback in the form of a withdrawal from Iraq. That's not happening and the natives are getting restless.


On Special Report this afternoon they ran footage of "Reverend Billy and his Stop Shopping Gospel Choir", a bunch of Code Pink loons wearing choir robes as they sang and chanted through the halls of Congress. These people have decided to make Capitol Hill their private playground and the media is all too willing to put them on TV. Pictures of these nuts do not help the anti-war cause - it just reminds the voters of what they got by electing Democrats. It's probably the best thing in the world for Republicans.

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