HolyCoast: Rewriting History in Selma
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Monday, March 05, 2007

Rewriting History in Selma

Michelle Malkin has a post which indicates that Barack Obama may have caught the family history enhancement disease that has previously affected Hillary Clinton and Al Gore:

Drudge is headlining Hillary's new Southern twang adopted during a speech in Selma, Alabama to commemorate Bloody Sunday. But even more noteworthy: Obama's truth-stretching speech the same day. Allah caught two truthy assertions by The Messiah:

1) His claim that a Kennedy-sponsored airlift in Africa was responsible for bringing the Obama family to the U.S.

2) His claim that events in Selma led to his parents getting together--and Obama being born.

Allah questions the timing.

1) JFK didn't take office until two years after Obama's arrived in the U.S.

2) Obama, Jr., was born four years before Bloody Sunday in Selma.

It's like the legend of Hillary-Sir Edmund Hilary all over again!

You just can't get away with this kind of stuff these days. There are too many people willing and able to challenge these fictional histories.

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