HolyCoast: The Seinfeld Case Has a Verdict
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Seinfeld Case Has a Verdict

Just as Seinfeld was a show about nothing, the Libby case was a trial about nothing, and like Seinfeld, both spectacles will end up with their stars in jail. Listening to the Dems celebrate the verdict, it's pretty obvious this case had nothing to do with perjury, but everything to do with prewar intelligence. If it turns out the jury was thinking along the lines of the Dems, this case will get overturned on appeal (assuming a new trial isn't immediately granted).

Despite the lamentations of Joe Wilson, there was no victim in this alleged crime. Nobody was hurt and no damage was done to any governmental entity. This was all about the prosecutor's ego and the political pressure of the left to find somebody to blame for Iraq. Since they couldn't get Cheney or Rove, poor Scooter became the fallguy (as admitted by one of the jury members) and now faces 25 years in prison....for what??

I heard that idiot Joe Wilson interviewed and he was acting as though this was some great victory for him, despite the fact that nobody, including Libby, was charged or convicted with releasing the name of his wife, the non-covert agent. Now the long knives are out for Cheney as though this conviction also convicts him. What nonsense.

Says Harry Reid:
"Now President Bush must pledge not to pardon Libby for his criminal conduct," Reid added.
Bush won't do it, but he ought to pardon Libby and be done with this thing. Screw you, Harry.

UPDATE: National Review agrees.

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