HolyCoast: Sharpton Gets His Pompadour In a Wad Over Obama
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sharpton Gets His Pompadour In a Wad Over Obama

Rev. Al Sharpton wanted to be the black candidate for president in '08 but some skinny kid from Illinois is messing it up:
(CBS) NEW YORK With the race for the Democratic presidential nomination already in high gear, the Reverend Al Sharpton jumped into the fray today with some tough criticism for Senator Barack Obama. The outspoken reverend offered the harsh comments to Obama just as he looked to build support for his candidacy in the black community.

"Why shouldn't the black community ask questions? Are we now being told, 'You all just shut up?'" Sharpton told CBS 2's Marcia Kramer Monday. "Senator Obama and I agree that the war is wrong, but then I want to know why he went to Connecticut and helped [Sen. Joseph] Lieberman, the biggest supporter of the war."

Sharpton also questioned why Obama supports "tort reform, which hurts police brutality victims."

What set Sharpton off was a published report that he is trying to hurt Obama's campaign because he's jealous. Sharpton says that claim is untrue, charging the story came from the Obama camp to pressure him into an early endorsement.

"I'm not going to be cajoled or intimidated by any candidate not for my support," Sharpton said.
Sharpton is desperate to be a kingmaker in this campaign, but the train is leaving the station and nobody really cares if Sharpton is on board. He thinks he wields a lot of influence in the black community, but his stock has dropped in the last few years and Obama is fully capable of winning the nomination without him.

I'm sure Sharpton also had his sights set on those Federal matching funds which would have provided him and his sycophants a comfortable few months on the campaign trail.

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