HolyCoast: Using "Global Temperature" is a Crock
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Using "Global Temperature" is a Crock

One of the methods used to "prove" global warming is the use of something called "global temperature". It may not be terribly accurate (from Special Report):
An expert in thermodynamics says the assumption that the earth is getting warmer through the use of what is called a "global temperature" is scientifically unsound.

Professor Bjarne Andresen of the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute says it is meaningless to talk about an average global temperature. He says compiling temperatures from various places and averaging them would be like calculating the average phone number in the phone book.

And he points out there are several different methods by which scientists calculate average temperatures — and they can come up with many different answers from the same set of numbers.
Not surprising. And what about all those government scientists who are supposedly being muzzled by the Bush administration? (also from Special Report):
A NASA scientist who says the Bush administration muzzled him because he believes global warming could cause catastrophic results now acknowledges he has done more than 1,400 media interviews in recent years.

James Hansen made the accusation when his request to do a National Public Radio interview was denied. The Washington Times reports Hansen acknowledged to a congressional committee Monday that he violated NASA press policy by not notifying his supervisors when he did interviews.

And California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa pointed out that Hansen conducted 15 interviews in the month after accusing the White House of censoring him.
I guess "muzzled" has a different meaning for global warming promoters.

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