HolyCoast: Will This Finally Stir up the Brits to Respond?
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Will This Finally Stir up the Brits to Respond?

The photo below is not an Iranian housewife, it's a British sailor who is being held captive in Iran. Dressing her up in Iranian peasant garb and then putting that photo out for the world to see is probably not a really good idea.

Mario Loyola at The Corner reminds us of a previous photo opp from that part of the world:
Anyone remember that video of Saddam visiting the western hostages in the run-up to Desert Storm? Saddam made the bad mistake of sitting a British child on his knee; the child looked terrified, and the British public woke up the next morning ready for war.
Unfortunately, I don't think the Brits are going to act the way they did in the past. The anti-war left is more firmly entrenched in Britain than it is in the U.S., and it will be tough for Tony Blair, who is on his way out as Prime Minister, to stir them to action. The future probable P.M. is no Margaret Thatcher either.

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