HolyCoast: 172 Saudis Miss Out On Their Virgins
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Friday, April 27, 2007

172 Saudis Miss Out On Their Virgins

It looks like 172 Saudis had big party plans with their 72 virgins, and that's been disrupted by the Saudi government:
The police have arrested 172 Islamic militants, some of whom were being trained abroad as pilots so they could fly aircraft in attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil fields, the Interior Ministry said Friday.

The ministry issued a statement saying the detainees had planned to carry out suicide attacks against "public figures, oil facilities, refineries" and "military zones" - some of which were outside the kingdom.

"They had reached an advance stage of readiness," an Interior Ministry spokesman, Brigadier Mansour al-Turki, said in an interview by telephone. "They had the personnel, the money, the arms. Almost all the elements for terror attacks were complete except for setting the zero hour for the attacks."

Asked about when the arrests had taken place, Turki would only say they had occurred "at various and successive times."

The ministry did not say that the militants had planned to fly aircraft into oil refineries, as the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers flew planes into buildings in New York and Washington, but it said in a statement that some of the detainees had been "sent to other countries to study flying in preparation for using them to carry out terrorist attacks in the kingdom."

Airline suicide bombers seems to be a cottage industry in Saudi Arabia. Let's not forget that there were 17 Saudis among the 19 hijackers on 9/11.

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