HolyCoast: Another Educational Black Hole in Seattle
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Another Educational Black Hole in Seattle

The other day I had the story of the Seattle preschool that banned LEGOs because the kids might accidentally learn something about capitalism from playing with them. It seems like there's plenty of educational stupidity going on in that area (from Special Report):
Meanwhile there is a school is the Seattle area where no one has to worry about the sensitivities of the students, because there are no assignments, no tests, and no formal classes.

The Seattle Times reports The Clearwater School lets students do whatever they want — study anything or nothing — and allows them come and go as they please. It is a throwback to the sixties and seventies philosophy of "free" or "Democratic" schools.

But even harsh critics of public education say the school is too radical for them. And what do parents pay for this non-teaching, non-testing education? More than $5,500 per year.
Wow, man. Outta sight. Pass the bong.

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