HolyCoast: Broder: Reid is a 'Bumbling' 'Embarrassment'
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Broder: Reid is a 'Bumbling' 'Embarrassment'

David Broder seems to have reached his limit with Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid:
David Broder, the sagely insightful “dean” of the Washington press corps, attacked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) today over his claim that the war in Iraq is lost.

Speaking on XM radio, Broder said that Reid should “learn to engage mind before mouth opens,” and suggested that Reid’s Senate allies “have a little caucus and decide how much further they want to carry Harry Reid” and his “bumbling performance.”

Asked if Harry Reid is “an embarrassment,” Broder said, “I think so,” since “every six weeks or so there’s another episode where he has to apologize for the way in which he has bungled the Democratic case.”
But wait, there's more:
UPDATE: Greg Sargent: “I just checked with Reid’s office, and they told me in no uncertain terms that Reid has not apologized for any of his remarks during his first four months as majority leader.”

Glenn Reynolds has a good suggestion - Joe Lieberman can fire him (simply by caucusing with the GOP and giving them the majority). Wouldn't that be something...

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