HolyCoast: Cheney Smacks Down Reid, Reid Whimpers in Reply
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cheney Smacks Down Reid, Reid Whimpers in Reply

Dick Cheney came out swinging today with a presser in the lobby of the Senate in which he ripped Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid a new one:
Vice President Dick Cheney, on Capitol Hill Tuesday for a regular Republican leadership meeting, lashed out against Democrats adding a timetable for withdrawal into the Iraq war supplemental spending bill.

Rarely commenting to the press after congressional visits, the vice president came before cameras to call a speech by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "uninformed and misleading." He accused Reid and Democrats of pursuing their Iraq plans for the sake of political advantage, and he criticized Reid over conflicting statements he has made, from pledging not to cut funding to troops in Iraq while pushing for withdrawal to supporting a bill proposed by Sen. Russ Feingold that would defund the war should President Bush veto the withdrawal plan.

"In less than six months time, Senator Reid has gone from pledging full funding for the military, then full funding with conditions, and then a cut-off of funding. Three positions in five months on the most important foreign policy question facing the nation and our troops," Cheney said.

"Indeed last week, he said the war is already lost, and the timetable legislation that he is now pursuing would guarantee defeat," Cheney said.
So what was Reid's devastating reply?
"I'm not going to get into a name-calling match with somebody who has a 9 percent approval rating. ... I'm not going to get into a name-calling match with the administration's chief attack dog," Reid said after being asked about Cheney's remarks.

Harry Reid has become God's gift to Republicans. He's trying to play the hothead, but with his wimpy voice and appearance, he comes off like a testosterone-free schoolmarm with a bad case of the vapors. Cheney definitely got the best of this round.

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