HolyCoast: Clinton Surrenders to al-Qaeda and Gays
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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Clinton Surrenders to al-Qaeda and Gays

In one speech to the California Dem convention Hillary Clinton surrendered to both al-Qaeda and the gay activists:
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton denounced President Bush on Saturday for his "Mission Accomplished" speech and said his conduct of the Iraq war was "one of the darkest blots on leadership we've ever had."

Addressing delegates at the California State Democratic Party convention, Clinton said that if elected president in 2008, she would end the war. The New York senator also promised to "treat all Americans with dignity and equality no matter who you are and who you love." The pledge was clear bow to California's politically active and influential gay community.

Hillary Clinton does not need to wait until she's elected president to end the war. If she's serious she can introduce a bill today that would stop the funding and end the war. What's she waiting for? If Iraq is such a tragedy, why is she willing to wait until January 2009 to do anything about it?

Very simple. She doesn't want to end the war while the issue can be used to her benefit. Remove the war and you remove the issue. Dems are most interested in using issues to their political benefit than actually solving problems.

As far as the gay thing goes, her husband's first act in office was to sign the "don't ask, don't tell" order. Why should we expect her to be any different?

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