HolyCoast: Condi Says "No Thanks" to Waxman's Subpoena
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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Condi Says "No Thanks" to Waxman's Subpoena

The political antics continue unabated in various House and Senate committees as Democrats seek to investigate anything they think they can get press mileage out of. The lastest effort by Henry Waxman is the issuance of a subpoena to Condi Rice to come before his committee and explain what she knew about prewar intelligence - something she's explained on numerous previous occassions. It appears that Condi will say "no thanks":
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday she has already answered the questions she has been subpoenaed to answer before a congressional committee and suggested she is not inclined to comply with the order.

Rice said she would respond by mail to questions from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the Bush administration's prewar claims about Saddam Hussein seeking weapons of mass destruction, but signaled she would not appear in person.

"I am more than happy to answer them again in a letter," she told reporters in Oslo, where she is attending a meeting of NATO foreign ministers.

Given that the activities in question occurred while Condi was National Security Advisor, she can pretty much ignore Waxman at will. Although she will probably answer his questions in a letter, which of course will be excoriated by the Dems, she does not have to submit to a self-righteous grilling from Waxman and his cronies.

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