HolyCoast: Corzine Returns Home, but the Cops Haven't Learned Anything
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Monday, April 30, 2007

Corzine Returns Home, but the Cops Haven't Learned Anything

I'm glad that Gov. John Corzine of New Jersey survived his 91 mph no-seatbelt crash 18 days ago and was well enough to be discharged today. However, his state police drivers still haven't quite come to understand what speed limits are:
No one in the motorcade used emergency lights, as his driver had been doing at the time of the accident. They kept to a pace of about 70 miles per hour, even though the posted limit is 55 on the stretch of Interstate 295 that leads to Drumthwacket, the governor’s official mansion in Princeton, where Mr. Corzine will spend the next stage of his recovery.
Corzine himself stated that he was a "very bad example" by not wearing his seatbelt, but his drivers still feel free to operate outside the law, and that's not a sterling example either.

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