HolyCoast: Dems Don't Dare Vote The Way They Believe
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dems Don't Dare Vote The Way They Believe

Bob Novak discusses the congressional climate regarding gun control in the wake of the VT shootings, and reconfirms that Democrats don't dare vote the way they believe:
Despite calls for tighter gun controls because of the Virginia Tech massacre, House Democratic leaders would not risk a vote on the issue Thursday that would carry severe political ramifications.

The party's leadership on March 22 pulled off the House floor a bill to give voting rights to the delegate from the District of Columbia when Republicans amended it with a proposal to end the ban on gun ownership in Washington, D.C. Democratic House members from marginal rural districts did not want to be recorded on a measure monitored by the National Rifle Association (NRA).

When the D.C. vote bill was rescheduled in the House Thursday, there was speculation that the horrors at Virginia Tech made it possible to defeat the gun measure. Actually, Democratic leaders still did not dare endanger their members. Instead, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer employed parliamentary tactics to prevent a gun vote.

They hate guns but won't vote their conscience because it would hurt them with voters. They hate the war in Iraq but won't vote to defund it because it would hurt them with voters. They hate tax cuts and the thought of you keeping more of your money, but they won't vote for large tax increases (unless they can try and mask the tax hikes in other language) because it would hurt them with voters. Profiles in courage.

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