HolyCoast: The English Sent the Wrong People to Iraq
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Friday, April 06, 2007

The English Sent the Wrong People to Iraq

While in captivity the English sailors and marines confessed to all sorts of wrongdoing, appeared daily on Iranian TV in various apologetic settings, and generally made arses of themselves trying to appease their Iranian captors. From the looks of this next story, the Brits sent the wrong people to Iraq:
Tottenham fans fought with Spanish police in riot gear Thursday night during the English team's UEFA Cup quarterfinal at Sevilla. Seven fans of the London club were reportedly hospitalized — mostly with cuts to their heads. A policeman also was reported to have been injured in the disturbances. ...

Fans ripped up plastic seats at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan stadium and hurled them at police, who then hit spectators with night sticks. Before the match, about 50 Tottenham fans reportedly clashed with police outside the stadium.

On Wednesday, Italian police clashed with Manchester United fans during its Champions League match at AS Roma.
Can you imagine these English soccer fans behaving like the sailors and marines? Do you think any of them would be caught dead wearing those awful polyestor suits or Muslim headscarves? No way. These people go into other countries and riot for fun. The British need to get some of these folks to join their military.

UPDATE: Great minds think alike. From Mark Steyn:

Watching Tottenham Hotspur fans taking on the Spanish constabulary at a European soccer match the other night, I found myself idly speculating on what might have happened had those Iranian kidnappers made the mistake of seizing 15 hard-boiled football yobs who hadn't got the Blair memo about not escalating the situation.

Instead, as we know, the mullahs were fortunate enough to take hostage 15 Royal Navy sailors and Royal Marines. Which were which was hard to say upon their release. The Queen's Navee had been demobbed. The token gal was dressed up as an Islamic woman and the 14 men had been kitted out in Ahmadinejad leisurewear. Which is not just a ghastly fashion faux pas but a breach of the increasingly one-way Geneva Conventions. But they smiled and they waved. Wave, Britannia! Britannia, waive the rules!

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