HolyCoast: Fairy Tale Weddings Take on a Whole New Meaning
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Friday, April 06, 2007

Fairy Tale Weddings Take on a Whole New Meaning

On the old "America Sings" ride at Disneyland they used to include the first part of "My Old Kentucky Home" as one of the songs. The first part of the lyrics go like this:
Oh, the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home,
’Tis summer, the old folks are gay,

Well, there's good news for those old folks, because if they're gay they can now have a Fairy Tale Wedding (no pun intended) at Disneyland:
The Walt Disney Co. has changed its policy to allow same-sex couples to participate in a popular Fairy Tale Wedding program it runs mainly at its two U.S. resorts and cruise line, a Disney spokesman said on Thursday.

Disney previously had allowed gay couples to organize their own weddings or commitment ceremonies at rented meeting rooms at the resorts, but had barred them from purchasing its Fairy Tale Wedding package and holding the event at locations at Disneyland and Walt Disney World that are set aside specifically for weddings.

"We are updating our Fairy Tale Wedding guidelines to include commitment ceremonies," Disney Parks and Resorts spokesman Donn Walker said. "This is consistent with our policy of creating a welcoming, respectful and inclusive environment for all of our guests."
It seems to me that keeping the name "Fairy Tale" is just a little bit insensitive to the gay clientele. Appropriate, but insensitive.

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