HolyCoast: Fred Thompson, Another Cancer Survivor
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fred Thompson, Another Cancer Survivor

Fred Thompson must be getting serious about running for president, because he's releasing some health information now before somebody else finds out and dumps it on the news cycle at an inopportune time:

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican Fred Thompson, the actor-politician who is considering a bid for president, said Wednesday he was diagnosed with lymphoma more than two years ago but the cancer shouldn't affect his life expectancy.

In an interview with Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto, the former Tennessee senator, 64, said doctors discovered that he had non- Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2004. He said the disease is in remission with no illness or symptoms.

"I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't satisfied in my own mind as to the nature of it and the fact that not only will I have an average lifespan but in the meantime I will not be affected in anyway by it," Thompson said. "Now of course nobody knows the future but that has been in the history for almost three years now in terms of no symptoms and no sickness."

Like Rudy's prostate cancer and McCain's melanoma, this shouldn't keep Thompson from vigorously pursuing the presidency, should he decide to do so.

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