HolyCoast: Harry Reid Declares War, but Not Against Our Enemies
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Harry Reid Declares War, but Not Against Our Enemies

Harry Reid is doubling-down:
WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid effectively declared war Monday on the U.S. commander in chief, calling President Bush the "odd man out" on Iraq and vowing to use Congress to try to change what he said was Bush's "shoot first" diplomacy.

In a scathing speech seemingly aimed at shaming the president into calling for a withdrawal, Reid said the Bush administration is in denial about the war, incompetent in its conduct and unwilling to listen to alternatives.

"What a shame that after five-and-a-half years, so many lost lives and so much treasure depleted, President Bush hasn't budged from the shoot-first, talk-never style that one national magazine described as 'cowboy diplomacy' — that got us into this mess in the first place," Reid told an audience at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.

"The president has dug in his heels in this fight, but it doesn't have to be that way. ... Democrats are reaching out to Republicans in Congress in hopes of bipartisan cooperation. Only the president is the odd man out, and he is making the task even harder by demanding absolute fidelity from his party," Reid continued.

You're wasting your breath, Harry. The President isn't going to be "shamed" by you, and he still holds the veto stamp, which means your timetables are dead on arrival.

And to dig the whole a little deeper, Reid added this in an interview with Dana Bash:
Reid has been an outspoken critic of the president, calling him a loser and a liar in the past.

"I don't back off that at all," he said. "So if you say something that is untrue to me and in the right circumstances, I will call you a liar. I have no regret having called him a liar, because he lied."

Reid is suffering from an increasingly bad case of Bush Derangement Syndrome which will likely require hospitalization if this continues unabated.

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