HolyCoast: Hollywood to Set a New Low in Anti-Religious Screeds
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Monday, April 09, 2007

Hollywood to Set a New Low in Anti-Religious Screeds

That somebody in Hollywood would put out an anti-religious movie is nothing new, but even Hollywood gossip columnists are suggesting that this effort from Bill Maher will set a new low:
IF you don't like Mel Gibson, who zaps those of Jewish faith, you'll newly consider him Brother Teresa compared to Bill Maher, who is poised to void on every faith. Any faith.

Oy, is Bill Maher a bad boy. His stand-up shows are sellouts. His books are best sellers. His HBO thing "Real Time" is real big. At a dinner table, if you can wrench him away from his bimbette du jour, he's hilarious. But, boy, is he a bad boy.

Bad Boy Bill Maher, someone who has never had Belief, has never ever been aligned with Devotion, Divinity, Prayer, The Supreme Power. He has now teamed with even badder boy Larry Charles, director of that epic "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan." These two have co-created an inflammentary. That's a documentary sure to inflame whoever sees it. We're talking a scathing, searing, stabbing attack on religion. Anybody's. Everybody's. Hysterically funny, it is the most sacrilegious movie ever made.

The man makes Michael Moore into a moderate. This gem, which should drop on us in six months, will rate four fires in hell.

Maher's inflammentary is so far untitled. The whole schmear was his idea. He's worked on it six months. Paramount put the money up. In Brad Grey's pre-Paramount Pictures chief days, he was Bill's agent. Maher shot this film in Jerusalem, Stonehenge in England and God (excuse the expression) knows where else. He's interviewed all of today's great religious minds. He did it in secret. Maybe because he's afraid we'll all stone him, he still wants this kept secret.

Trust me, after this all that could be next for him is a musical version of "Schindler's List."

John Derbyshire at The Corner wonders how much of this movie was filmed in Mecca? If this is to be the greatest of all anti-religious works, surely Maher didn't leave Islam out of his picture.

We'll see if Maher really has the courage of his lack of convictions and is willing to take on the "religion of peace" and place his oversized head in jeopardy.

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