HolyCoast: I'm Going to Open a "See-easy"
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Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm Going to Open a "See-easy"

In the previous post, Mark Steyn mentions Obama's debate stumble over the issue of compact florescent bulbs. I hear a bill has been introduced in Sacramento to ban the sale of incandescent bulbs in the Golden State. I'd love to see them try, because what will happen next is the creation of a black market for the bulbs funded by people who still like to be able to see things in their houses at night.

Should that bill pass, the next time I drive over to Las Vegas I'll just be sure to hit a Wal-Mart and pick up a case of incandescent bulbs which I will then sell to my neighbors at an obscene profit. Instead of a "speakeasy" as in the days of Prohibition, I'll run a "see-easy" out of my house where, if you know the secret knock, you can get in and buy the bulbs of your dreams and continuing doing things you like such as reading at night.

I "see" great profits ahead!

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