HolyCoast: The Imus Apology Tour
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Imus Apology Tour

Radio jock Don Imus is giving us all another example of why apology tours don't work. He referred to the Rutgers women's basketball team as a bunch of "nappy-headed ho's", racially insensitive to be sure, but certainly not beyond the pale for the kind of material that regularly appears on both TV and radio airwaves. That was a mistake, but like most people who are accused of racial statements, he compounded the mistake by starting an apology tour. Had he simply said "I was over the top and I regret that" and then shut up the whole thing probably would have blown over.

Instead he allowed himself to be baited onto Al Sharpton's show where he got angry and referred to his inquisitors as "you people", the same two words that effectively ended Ross Perot's presidential bid when used in front of the NAACP. For "you people" and what is considered now to be a repeat offense, he's getting two weeks off. Like a wounded or sick whale, the sharks are now circling and I guarantee you they won't be happy with a two week holiday. He's demonstrated weakness in the face of his critics and they won't stop attacking until he's fired.

I'm not a fan of Imus - I've never heard his radio show or watched the broadcast on MSNBC, but I think he's getting a raw deal here. I've heard far more offensive stuff on the air than "nappy-headed ho's", and if you ever listen to what's left of Air America, there's plenty they could be held to apologize for. Imus is yet another in a long line of white guys who've said something considered to be racially insensitive and have then gone on to further the damage with an apology tour. Just ask Trent Lott and George Allen how well that worked out.

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