HolyCoast: iPods Save the Day
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Friday, April 06, 2007

iPods Save the Day

This is one of those rare instances when two very different stories combine in a weird HolyCoast sort of way. First we have the story of the iPod that saved one of our guys in Iraq:
Kevin Garrad of the 3rd Infantry Division is an iPod user for life—which incidentally got extended thanks to Apple's little music player. He was on patrol in Iraq when he met an armed insurgent carrying an AK-47. Both opened fire, and the bullet heading toward Kevin hit his chest right where his iPod was, which was enough to slow down the bullet to not pierce entirely through the body armor.

The fact that he had a 20GB (older and thicker) iPod probably helped slow down the bullet more than if he had one of the newer (and thinner) 30GB ones.

The we have this editorial from the Detroit News about a plan for the state, which is in financial trouble, to purchase iPods for every kid in the Michigan:
An iPod for every kid? Are they !#$!ing idiots?

We have come to the conclusion that the crisis Michigan faces is not a shortage of revenue, but an excess of idiocy. Facing a budget deficit that has passed the $1 billion mark, House Democrats Thursday offered a spending plan that would buy a MP3 player or iPod for every school child in Michigan.

No cost estimate was attached to their hare-brained idea to "invest" in education. Details, we are promised, will follow.

The Democrats, led by their increasingly erratic speaker Andy Dillon of Redford Township, also pledge $100 million to make better downtowns.

Their plan goes beyond cluelessness. Democrats are either entirely indifferent to the idea that extreme hard times demand extreme belt tightening, or they are bone stupid. We lean toward the latter.
Given the first story, the second story makes perfect sense. Since Detroit is little more than a war zone and barely safer than Iraq, giving kids an iPod will probably save lives during those frequent gang shootings and robberies. The legislature needs to be sure they buy the older bulky models since the high powered ammunition favored by the Detroit criminal element may be too strong for the newer, skinnier models.

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