HolyCoast: Kerry Might Run Again, and Wants the Al Gore Crowd
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Monday, April 16, 2007

Kerry Might Run Again, and Wants the Al Gore Crowd

John Kerry is teasing voters with the prospect that he might make another run for president, but it looks to me like he wants to see if the Al Gore crowd will follow him:
Sen. John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) reopened the door to a possible 2008 presidential campaign during a book signing in Denver and then again, in an interview with 9NEWS.

The 2004 Democratic nominee told a crowd of more than 250 at the Tattered Cover bookstore in lower downtown Denver that he had no desire to endorse any candidate for the office right now, choosing to wait to see how they addressed the issue of global warming.

Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, are finishing up a nationwide tour to promote their book, "This Moment on Earth," which highlights successful efforts at the local level to better the environment.

It looks to me like Kerry wants to see if he can appeal to those voters who think Al Gore is the bees knees because of his stance on global warming. Kerry never made a big deal of the issue in 2004, but now that he has a book out, and now that Al Gore's movie has gotten a couple of Oscars and a lot of fawning praise, Kerry is a born again environmentalist in search of a voting base.

I don't think he'll get in the race given how far behind he'll be in fundraising, but I'm sure he'll enjoy the attention this story will get.

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