HolyCoast: King Anthony May Need Some New Jewels
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

King Anthony May Need Some New Jewels

I'll bet this guy wishes he hadn't picked on the cops:
A convicted rapist and child molester accused of hurling racial slurs at an Arab man and trying to stab him with a knife outside a local Starbucks appeared in court today.

Anthony Tabarsi, 41, of Costa Mesa, was arrested Monday night on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, resisting police officers and a hate crime, Costa Mesa police Sgt. Matt Grimmond said. His arraignment was continued to May 4.

Officers shocked Tabarsi with a non-lethal Taser after he refused orders by officers to take his hand out of his pocket, police said....

Tabarsi ignored several orders by the officers standing in traffic lanes to remove his hand. He took a step toward the officers and one of them fired a Taser. The Taser prongs hit Tabarsi in the chest and groin and knocked him to the ground.

I'll bet King Anthony (as he called himself) did a pretty mean Funky Chicken when he caught that Taser dart in the groin.

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