HolyCoast: Minneapolis Taxi Drivers Can't Be Picky Anymore
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Monday, April 16, 2007

Minneapolis Taxi Drivers Can't Be Picky Anymore

Those Muslim taxi drivers in Minneapolis who don't want to carry passengers who have alcohol in their possession may have to rethink their choice of job:
Starting May 11, airport taxi drivers who refuse to transport riders carrying alcohol will be suspended for 30 days. And after a second offense, their license would be revoked for two years.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission voted 11-0 Monday to approve the crackdown, which some Muslim drivers say violates their religious beliefs. Commissioners called the change reasonable, practical and important for rider safety.

“We are sending a message that if you want to drive a taxi at our airport you can’t refuse our customers,” Steve Wareham, operations manager of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
There has been so much capitulation to complaining Muslims in Minnesota that it's nice to see common sense win one up in the frozen north.

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