HolyCoast: A Nice Welcome Home
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Nice Welcome Home

Marin County, CA, is not known for its overwhelming support of anything military. It's probably one of the more liberal counties in California.

However, this story shows that every now and then even a liberal area can get it right:

A ROUSING salute to two American heroes resonated throughout a Novato neighborhood on Friday.

Former soldiers Jeremiah Pauley, 31, and brother-in-law Greg Scott, 27, both recently returned from Iraq, were pleasantly surprised with a public welcome punctuated by an impromptu front-yard concert by the Sinaloa Middle School band at the home of their grandmother, Liz Scott.

The 30-student-strong marching band was joined by more than a dozen Cub Scouts from Troop 42 for a one-block parade from the nearby school to join an emotional gathering of neighbors, school officials and extended family members to honor the recently released soldiers.

"I don't think anybody could ask for a better homecoming than that," said Pauley, a native of Massillon, Ohio, who plans to settle in Novato with his wife, Sarah, and 7-month-old daughter, Grace.

"I thought it was beautiful," he said, using the words "shock and awe" to describe his initial reaction to the ceremony. ...

Family members and neighbors shed quite a few tears as the young musicians serenaded the returning heroes with a 10-minute concert of patriotic American classics including "The Caissons Go Rolling Along," "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "The Star Spangled Banner" with a touching trumpet solo by Mitchell Ho.

Scott said he heard the faraway music coming down the street and figured it was for some random event elsewhere along Paladini Road.

"I saw the band marching and just thought they were going to keep marching down," he said. "When they stopped for us, I realized it's not so random."

"How do you say 'thank you' for fighting for us?'" said Scott's aunt, Pam Studley. "This is our way."

Studley said the inclusion of the local scout troop was a nice tribute to her family's long association with scouting.

Nicely done.

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