HolyCoast: Political Opportunism At Its Best
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Political Opportunism At Its Best

If you're a presidential candidate and you want to quickly score some cheap points with minorities, where would you go? How about Rutgers:

Hillary Clinton will be giving a speech at Rutgers on Monday -- obviously tied to the Imus controversy. Per a campaign spokesman, "The Eagleton Center for American Women and Politics had a standing invitation for her and we felt that it would be an appropriate time to discuss the role of women in society given all that is happening."
I hope she talks about what it's like to have a husband who doinks everything with a skirt while pretending to be faithful to his wife. Now THAT would be interesting.

Perhaps she'll wear one of these "Proud to be a Nappy Headed Ho" T-shirts now available on Google:

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