HolyCoast: Shooter Sent Package to NBC Between Shootings
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Shooter Sent Package to NBC Between Shootings

The Virginia Tech shooter clearly had spent considerable time planning his crime, and between the first shooting in the dorm and the second slaughter in Norris Hall, he sent a large package to NBC:
Sometime after he killed two people in a Virginia university dormitory but before he slaughtered 30 more in a classroom building Monday morning, Cho Seung-Hui mailed NBC News a large package, including photographs and videos, boasting that “when the time came, I did it. I had to.”

Cho, 23, a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, killed 32 people in two attacks before taking his own life.

NBC News President Steve Capus said the network received the package in Tuesday afternoon’s mail delivery, but it was not opened until Wednesday morning. The network immediately turned the materials over to FBI agents in New York.

The package included an 1,800-word manifesto-like statement diatribe in which he expresses rage, resentment and a desire to get even. The material is “hard-to-follow ... disturbing, very disturbing,” Capus said in an interview late Wednesday afternoon.

There's a lot more on the contents of the package here. He also included a number of pictures, including a threatening picture of him wielding a hammer. Should the Dems ask for "hammer control" as well?

And, there was this photo:

If only he'd pulled that trigger first...

UPDATE: Mona Charen at The Corner makes a good point that showing the video and photos of this nut on TV may inspire others equally crazy to do something similar so they can be posthumously famous. She's probably right.

UPDATE 2: Duane Patterson on the Hugh Hewitt show draws the connection between Imus and this creep when it comes to NBC. NBC fired Imus for saying "nappy-headed ho" about some college girls from Rutgers. He was taken off the air. This creep kills 32 people, including a bunch of college kids, and his words and image are looped endlessly on NBC (and other networks). Who committed the greater offense, and how long did NBC think about putting this loser on TV? Not long, I'll bet.

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